Sunday, April 26, 2009


No more thights?
I´m looking forward to the summer!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Installation art- Week.

Denne uka har jeg jobbet med installasjonskunst. Har vært utrolig krevende både fysisk og psykisk, men utrolig gøy for det! Vi har jobbet med søppel, og det hele har vært en kul måte å utforske kreativiteten vår på. Jeg sier bare try it;)

This week I have been working with installation art. It has been demanding both mentally and physically, but amazingly awesome too! Vi have used carbage found in the streets and everywhere else, the whole experience has definatly been a cool way to explore our creativity!

Shoes & Vest- Vintage
Jacket & Trousers- H&M

Saturday, April 18, 2009

New hair cut. New poncho.

Poncho- Bik Bok
Shoes- Bianco
Scarf- ?(gift)


Igår så kom jeg hjem fra et jobbintervju og skulle bare ta meg en 20. min, power-nap men endte opp å sove i nesten 5 timer! Og dette var på en fredagskveld... Anywho, i det siste så har jeg hørt mer og mer på søstrene/bandet Cocorosie, digger musikken deres og ikke minst deres surrealistiske stil!

Yesterday, coming home from a job interview, I was just taking a 20 minute power nap, but ended up sleeping almost 5 hours! This was friday night... Anywho, lately, I've been listening more and more to the sister-duo CocoRosie. I love their music, and not the least their surrealistic style!

Monday, April 13, 2009

So I Finally Woke up...

Da jeg våknet opp idag så følte jeg meg som kanskje den lateste personen i verden! At det regnet ute hjalp ikke så mye akkurat... Men klarte å komme meg ut til slutt!

I felt like the laziest person in the whole world, when I woke up tody! That it was raining outside didn't exactely hjelp.... Anywho I manged to get out of the house evetually.


Shirt-From a second-hand store in London

Dress- Bik Bok

Jeans- Lee



Saturday, April 11, 2009

Google & copy rights.

Most of the images hosted on this blog are presented as my own. For the images that I´ve borrowed, copyright still belongs to the owner / creator of said work. If you believe the copyright in your work has been violated through this Website, please contact me at with the post url and add your details to the piece. Upon receiving your complaint, Simply Me And My Interest In Fashion will remove the content that you believe infringes your copyright.
All rights reserved.