Sunday, August 30, 2009

Last week!


Forrige uke så ble et av outfitene mine ukas outfit på msn Style Gallery (Danmark). Ble kjempe fornøyd og tror at jeg kommer til å leve på det ganske lenge 8-)

I have a fashion profile on the danish msn fshion site, Style Gallery! It collaborates with Costume and its a great place to get some quick inspiration. Last week one of my outfits was the outfit of the week:)




Saturday, August 29, 2009

Speaking Of Punk ...

punk shoes Pictures, Images and Photos

Er jeg en fan av den japanske kera-moten? Gjett om jeg er! MinkyShop samlingen fant jeg på ebay, og jeg har lenge vært fascinert av gotiske platåsko (spesielt fra Japan)men aldri visst hvordan jeg kunne bruke dem. Slik er det ikke lenger for å si det sånn. Hva synes du om gotiske platåsko? :)

Am I a fan of Japanese kera fashion? Oh yes! As you probably have noticed, these shoes are from MinkyShop, found them on ebay. I have somewhat always been fascinated by gothic, massive sculptural shoes, but never really known how to use them... But all of that has changed now;) What do you think of ghotic platform shoes? :)

Ps: I have and I´m going to work my ass off the whole weekend, so I hope that you have saved room for inspiration posts!


Friday, August 28, 2009

Patti Smith.


THE Godmother of Punk.

i FoUnD tHE piCture. buT It iS mORe liKE sHE fOUnd mE.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Maggie`s Farm.




Overall/ Jeans- Zoe
Short Sleeve Shirt- H&M
Shoes- Din Sko
Belt- ? (Gift)

I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more. No, I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more (...) " Bob Dylan


Monday, August 24, 2009

Just Playin The Coolest Kid In The Hood.



Flannel Shirt- Bik Bok
T-Shirt- Jack & Jones
Skirt- H&M
Shoes- Euro Sko
And thanks lodsa for the comments! They all warm my heart!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

On My Way To ...


a litterature convention in Oslo.
På vei til tekstallianse messen/ festivalen på Litteraturhuset.
The coat and the trouser vintage- Bought in second-hand stores (Uff & Fretex) in Oslo.
Shoes- Bianco

Friday, August 21, 2009

Comfy Trousers Weekend?





The Woolen Jacket- (vintage) Episode

T-Shirt- Bik Bok

Trousers- From my boyfriends closet

Shoes- Din Sko

Åh ja! I de siste dagene så har jeg bare gått med baggy/comfy bukser og det har vært utrolig deilig. Morsomt å mikse og matche det man finner i kleskapet sitt;)

Oh yes! In the last few days I have basically only worn somewhat comfy trousers, and it has been fantastic! Fun to mix and match whatever you find in your closet;)

Next up: Inglorious Bastards premiere! Wohuuu!


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Baggy Pants + Heels


Trousers- Gina Tricot
Blouse- Second hand ( Fretex)
Shoes- Din Sko
Have a lovely weekend!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My Purple Trousers.




Shoes- Luciano Padovan

Idag sydde jeg denne buksa! Merket at jeg fremdeles sliter med å sy på glidelås hmm.... ja ja øvelse gjør mester! Elsker fargen den har og ikke minst stoffet! Og den var så behagelig at jeg gikk rundt hele dagen og følte meg som en prinsesse! Takket være min symaskin så har jeg råd til nye bukser hverdag;)

Koz og klemz

Today I sewed this trouser! I noticed that i still find it quite difficult to sew on zippers hmmm... Yea yea practice makes perfect! But I love the colour and the fabric! And it was so comfy, that I walked the whole day feeling like a princess. Thanks to my sewing machine I can afford new pair of pants every day;)


Monday, August 17, 2009

Purple Rain.




Etter innlegg om Prince (igår) så ble jeg inspirert til ha på meg en detaljrik skjorte. Skulle kanskje ønske at den var mer teksturrikt og at den bestod av mange lag... (akkurat som Prince!)Men hey, en dag vil jeg finne drømme skjorta mi!

Det begynte selvfølgelig å regne, været er helt uberegnelig om dagen.

Så vi endte opp i bakhage, og ventet til regnet roet seg ned. Dette ga oss muligheten til å ta masse bilder! Mojjo

After having a post about Prince I got inspired to wear something detailed like this shirt. Although I must say that I wish that it had more of that "layers on layers thing", more texture. Some day, some way I will find THE shirt that I will totally fall inlove with!

It started raining cats and dogs.

So we ended up trapped in a back yard, waiting for the rain to calm down. That gave gave us plenty of time to take pictures! Fun fun

Shirt/Skjorta- Second-Hand


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Friday, August 14, 2009






Photoes from Øya Festival catalogue


New Cam.

Digital SLR camera Nikon D60. It is all of course, thanks to my lovely boyfriend. Oh I love love love love love...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Look Of The Day

Shoes- Bianco
Bag- Noa Noa

New Shoes!


Aaltonen Shoes
Bought from UFF- Underground.

Chloe Sevigny.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My Red Blouse




Red blouse- From a second-hand store in London.
Trousers & the bag- H&M
Shoes- Bianco

Bildene er tatt i det siste med en venns dig. kam:)

The photoes are taken recently with a friends digital cam.


Friday, August 7, 2009

Françoise Sagan

Photobucket Photobucket
Photobucket Françoise Sagan was a french writer. I simply love her sense of style, she definately mastered the mixture of the masculine and the feminine look.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Movies: Stanley Kubrick.


a clockwork orange Pictures, Images and Photos Stanley Kubrick was an artististic soul. And here are some pictures from Eyes Wide Shut and a picture from A Clockwork Orange. Both the movies are so aesthetically appropriate. Kubrick was a genius!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Lost Case... For Now.

Jenta som tok med kameraet sitt på fest.
Jenta hadde ikke en veske som matchet hennes kjole, og kjolen var ikke akkurat praktisk anlagt. Så hun spurte kjæresten hennes om han kunne ha kameraet i bagen hans. De drakk øl og hadde det kult... Men så ble baggen glemt. Jau. med andre ord så har jeg ikke et kamera akkurat nå, og har ikke råd til det heller ( kanskje til neste lønninga).

Derfor vil jeg skrive om folk og ting og tang tang tang som inspirerer meg. Har du noen eller noe som i stor grad påvirker stilen din?

Vel... Fortell!

So let me tell you the story about a girl who brought her camera to a party. She wore of course a dress that didn`t exactly come in handy, so she asked her boyfriend if he could carry her camera in his bag (because she simply didn't have any purse that matched the dress). They drank beer and had a good time! But someone forgot the bag and it wasn't me this time:)

In other words... I dont have a camera right now, and to be frank... Cant afford it either(right now). Maybe in a couple of weeks or so. Anywho the posts that will follow, will simply be about my fashion muses and about everyone and everything that inspires me.

QUestion: What/ who inspires YOU most in fashion?

Photobucket An old picture that I still find amusing.


Google & copy rights.

Most of the images hosted on this blog are presented as my own. For the images that I´ve borrowed, copyright still belongs to the owner / creator of said work. If you believe the copyright in your work has been violated through this Website, please contact me at with the post url and add your details to the piece. Upon receiving your complaint, Simply Me And My Interest In Fashion will remove the content that you believe infringes your copyright.
All rights reserved.