Saturday, January 30, 2010
On My Way To Concert At John Dee
Som dere ser så har på meg yndlings cardiganen/ jakken min fra episode, og kjole. Kvelden var konge!
As you can see; wearing my fav. cardigan/jacket from episode, with an old over- knee dress. The evning was a blast!
Jolly Good!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
All I Needed Was A Cup Of Tea.
I think this picture showes how artistic I am.
I really think I have a chance as an actress too. Seriously.
Bildene er tatt på skolen:) Og her har jeg på meg palett bukser fra Bik Bok. Hjemmesydd skjørt som skjole og tilbehør som jeg randomly fant på soverommet.
These pictures are taken at school, the trousers I´m wearing are from Bik Bok and the long black skirt is sewed at home. Besides that I´m simply wearing accessories that I randomly found in my bedroom.
Peace, Love and Harmony.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Tamara De Lempicka
Tamara de Lempicka (May 16, 1898–March 18, 1980), en meget begavet art deco maler.
Tamara de Lempicka (May 16, 1898–March 18, 1980), an amazing art deco artist.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Hjemme etter å en hyggelig kveld med venner og kjærest:) Dette hadde jeg på meg:
At home, after a nice evning with friends and boyfriend:) This is what I wore:
Vintage blouse/Toppen- Møllergata Retro.
Levis Jeans- Carlings
70s vintage-boots/Skoene- Fretex
Leiligheten vår er nesten alltid rotete... :( En av grunnene til jeg liker best å ta bilder ute!
Our apartment is almost always a mess... :( One of the reasons why I prefer taking pictures outside! (lol)
At home, after a nice evning with friends and boyfriend:) This is what I wore:
Vintage blouse/Toppen- Møllergata Retro.
Levis Jeans- Carlings
70s vintage-boots/Skoene- Fretex
Leiligheten vår er nesten alltid rotete... :( En av grunnene til jeg liker best å ta bilder ute!
Our apartment is almost always a mess... :( One of the reasons why I prefer taking pictures outside! (lol)
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Just A Close Up.
Bilde tatt av galleri GAGO(gallery godteri)
Picture taken by GAGO Gallery.
Her bruker jeg et diggert svær teppe som skjerf:)
Here wearing a big wool plaid as a scarf:)
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
On My Way To School.
Purse- Zara
For å være helt ærlig så tar jeg ofte på meg det første og det beste når jeg skal til skolen. På skolen jobber jeg med så mange forskjellige materialer at blir nesten ikke noe vits for meg å pynte meg.. haha.
To be frank, most of the time I usually pick the first jeans or t-shirt I get my eye on. In school I work with so many different materials, there´s really no point for meg in dressing up... haha.
Monday, January 18, 2010
You Guys Had It Commin.
Fever Ray
Totally obsessed with her, what else is there? :)
Source and Flickr
Sunday, January 17, 2010
FridayNight As Proud As A Peacock On The Kitchen Floor.Prt2.
Hatten er fra Zara.
The hat from Zara.
Have a lovely sunday!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
FridayNight As Proud As A Peacock On The Kitchen Floor.Prt1.
Kjøpte selve kraga på Zara og så har jeg fått meg nye støvletter(Fretex) og ny tatovering da som jeg selvfølgelig tok på Max Tattoo:)
Ps: Har savnet å blogge!
Bought the feather-accessories at Zara and the vintag boots at Fretex, and got a new tattoo a couple of days ago, at Max Tattoo of course:)
Ps: I`ve missed blogging.
Thanks for checking out my blog!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Blogpost nr 100 + Happy New Year Folks!
(My friends simply love leaving their make-up footprints on my face)
Har laget begge kjolene selv, men planen var egentlig å bruke den hvite ... Men ble ikke akkurat som jeg ville! Og dette endte opp med at jeg måtte finne noe å ha på meg en time før middagen hos venner... Og den raskeste løsningen ble den sorte kjolen! Haha... Ja ja! Det funket og det ble en fantastisk kveld sammen med venner og min kjære! Godt nytt år!
I sewed both of the dresses, and the plan was to use the white one, but it did not turn out as I wanted it to be! So about an hour before I hade to leave the apartment I realised that I did not have anything to wear! It ended up with me making the black dress... Lol. But hey! It worked and I ended up having a perfect evning with my lovely friends and boyfriend! Happy New Year!
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